
The Geomap tool is a web app that renders your network topology on a geographical map, provided that you have seeded your room data with geographical coordinates.

Geomap is powered by OpenLayers, and the underlying map data is provided by OpenStreetMap.

Technical documentation

The server-side part is written in Python and the client-side in JavaScript. These are described separately below.

The server-side code is in the nav.web.geomap module, while the client-side code is in the directory media/js/geomap.

URLs and parameters


There are two types of resources in Geomap:

  1. The web page showing the map ( /geomap/[variant]/ )

  2. Geographical network data in GeoJSON or KML format ( /geomap/[variant]/data?[parameters] )

Where [variant] represents a variant name defined in the configuration file. The URL /geomap redirects to /geomap/[v]/, where [v] is the first variant the user has access to.

Query string parameters

The map web page accepts the following parameters in the query string (these are used by the JavaScript code only; the server side code ignores them):


Bounding box of area to display. The format of this field follows the definition of the “box” parameter in the OpenSearch Geo extension (a dump of the original wiki site can also be found on Github).

lat and lon

Position for center of map


Zoom level for map (0-18)


Description of which layers to show. For each layer in the map, one of the characters ‘B’ (base layer, displayed), ‘0’ (base layer, not displayed), ‘T’ (non-base layer, displayed), ‘F’ (non-base layer, not displayed).


Selected time interval for load data. Interval size (index, 1-5), dash, start time (YYYYMMDDhhmm`).  The interval sizes are: 1: month; 2: week; 3: day; 4: hour; 5: 10 minutes.  (See ``media/js/geomap/TimeInterval.js)

The arguments (lat, lon, zoom, layers, time) are intended to be used together. They specify (more or less) the complete state of the user interface, and are used by the «Link to this configuration» link, which sets up these arguments to reflect the current state.

The bbox argument is not intended to be used together with the other arguments (the arguments lat, lon and zoom, if present, override the bbox argument). The bbox argument is meant as a way for other applications to be able to create links to Geomap for showing a certain area.

The data resource accepts the following parameters in the query string:


Data format for result, either geojson or kml.


Bounding box of map area.


Size (in pixels) of map as shown in user agent.


How close (in pixels) two nodes may be before they are collapsed to one.


Time interval for load data, in the form expected by rrdfetch for its --start and --end options.



Almost all the server-side code is involved with generating the data resource. The web page showing the map requires almost no server-side processing.

Data flows in pipeline style through the modules db, graph, features, output_formats; each of which has as its main purpose the transformation of data from one form to another. Except for the data representations which constitute the interfaces from one part of the pipeline to the next, these modules are mutually independent. The data flow is controlled by the function views.get_formatted_data().

The conf module reads and parses Geomap’s configuration file. The utils module provides general utility functions/classes which are used freely in the other modules.

Data pipeline

The db module collects data from the database and RRD files based on the query string arguments. The result is two dictionaries, representing netboxes and connections, respectively. Each netbox is represented as a dictionary; each connection as two dictionaries (one for each end).

The graph.build_graph() function creates a graph structure from the dictionaries the db module creates, while graph.simplify() removes uninteresting things from such a graph. The simplification consists of:

  1. removing objects which are outside the viewing area; and

  2. reducing the level of detail by collapsing sets of objects which are close to each other to single objects.

The resulting simplified graph contains pointers to all the original data in the form of a tree in each node (since nodes are collapsed in two stages, see below) and a list in each edge.

For nodes, the collapsing is done in two steps: First, all the netboxes in a single room are combined to one node. Next, rooms that are sufficiently close to each other are combined to “places”. After the nodes are collapsed thus, any edges with the same two places as their endpoints are combined to one edge.

The features module converts a graph to a set of “features”, i.e. nodes and lines with geographical coordinates. Each feature has an associated style (color and width/radius) and a specification of a popup box for the feature.

The output_formats module converts a list of features to a string in GeoJSON or KML format (for KML output, some information is lost).

Tricks to avoid reading RRD files: Cache, pseudo-laziness

Load data is read from RRD files. Each netbox/connection has its own file (each connection actually has two), so we may end up reading very many files. To avoid much file reading, we do two things:

  1. Use a data structure inspired by lazy evaluation to avoid reading files which are not needed.

  2. Cache values read from RRD files.

For 1, we use the utils.lazy_dict class. An instance of this class acts like a dictionary, but may contain values which are not computed before they are looked up. This way, the code may be written almost as if all the files were read in the beginning (one must be a little careful to avoid unintentionally causing all values to be evaluated), while only those files which turn out to be needed are actually read.

For 2, we use Django’s caching framework. See the section labeled “Cache” in



The client-side part of Geomap is written in JavaScript and uses the OpenLayers library for all the difficult stuff.


This diagram shows dependency relations between the JavaScript files and libraries. Rectangles represent JavaScript files, ellipses external libraries. When a file depends on another both directly and indirectly, the direct relation is not drawn, to avoid cluttering the diagram with too many arrows. The complete diagram would be something close to the transitive closure of the one drawn.

The file util.js is not shown in the diagram (all files implicitly depend on it). This file contains general utility functions which are used in other files as if they were part of the standard library.

Most of the files provide somewhat more general functionality than what is strictly needed in Geomap, and are intended to be mostly independent of each other. The file geomap.js instantiates all needed things from the other files and connects them together.

The entry point for the client-side code is the function init, defined in geomap.js. This function is called when the page is loaded, through the ONLOAD attribute on the BODY element.

Filename conventions

Any file whose name starts with an uppercase character defines a data type (class) of the same name (and defines few or no other names at the top-level). For some of the files which depend on OpenLayers, the data type defined is an extension of an OpenLayers class. For other files, the data type definition consists of a constructor function and a prototype object.

Any other file simply contains a collection of functions, and introduces no new named data types.

External libraries


The OpenLayers library is included directly from the site. The URL we use always points to the newest version.


This may cause the NAV side of things to break if the OpenLayers API changes in a non-compatible way. On the other hand, keeping it at a fixed version has proved to be problematic because we include code from OpenStreetMap, and this code apparently depends on the newest version of OpenLayers (shortly after OpenLayers 2.8 was released, using the OpenStreetMap code with OpenLayers 2.7 did not work).

There are two sets of online code documentation pages for OpenLayers: API documentation and documentation of everything. The first contains only the functions which are explicitly marked with “API” in the code. One should generally stick to the API documentation, since other functions are probably regarded as internal and likely to change. However, there seems to be some “API” labels lacking here and there, so sometimes it is useful to compare with the full documentation (or the source code).

API documentation for OpenLayers

Full documentation for OpenLayers


We include a JavaScript file from OpenStreetMap which provides OpenLayers classes for showing OpenStreetMap data.

The reference to the file was found here:


We include the Proj4js library for coordinate transformations. We do not use this library directly, only through OpenLayers. (OpenLayers checks to see if Proj4js is available and uses it if it is).

The library is necessary to perform the conversions to/from UTM in coordinates.js, which again is used by PositionControl.js, which shows the coordinates for a point the user clicked on the map.

HTML/JavaScript interaction

The following conventions are used for relating JavaScript and HTML:

Apart from the ONLOAD attribute on BODY, the HTML code (as it appears when sent to the client) contains no references to JavaScript. Whenever some reference from HTML elements to JavaScript is needed (for example a function call in an ONCLICK attribute), it is the JavaScript’s responsibility to set this up by modifying the DOM.

Much of the JavaScript code does, however, expect certain elements to be present in the HTML code. The elements are generally adressed by id. To avoid very tight connections between the JavaScript and HTML, a JavaScript object which need to access an HTML element generally takes the id of the element as argument instead of having it hardcoded. JavaScript object which access several related HTML elements usually take a string used as common prefix for all ids as argument, and have the remaining parts hardcoded. This strategy is used in TimeNavigator, Calendar and PositionControl.

Problems/Future work


On the test system and test data used, generating the /geomap/[variant]/data resource takes some time. In the best cases, it takes one or a few seconds; in the worst, up to a minute.

The major cause (by far) of the long processing time is reading of RRD files. As discussed in the Server section above, we cache values from RRD files. This is the reason why the time varies a lot (the worst cases of time usage occur only with empty cache).

When moving or zooming the map, the new position will normally include much of the same data as the previous, so most of the needed RRD data will be in the cache, giving a “best case” processing time. When changing time interval or when first opening the map, on the other hand, the data is usually not in cache, giving a “worst case” processing time.

To improve the “best case” time, it is necessary to improve either the database queries or the Python code, or both. The very limited profiling which has been performed suggests that both the database queries and the subsequent processing of the results are responsible for their fair share of the total processing time. No “optimization” has been done on the Python code (although the programmer has tried to avoid extremely inefficient solutions), so there is probably some potential for performance improvement here. The database queries are large and hairy beasts (and will probably bite you if you appear threatening); whether (and if so, how) they can be made more efficient is hard to say.

To improve the “worst case”, the load data must simply be made available in a different form than RRD files so that it can be read faster.

Integration with Netmap

Some ideas for integration between Geomap and Netmap:

Default configuration

The popup boxes in the “normal” variant currently contain simple listings of all properties. This is convenient as an example of which properties are available and how to get at them, but probably far from ideal for actual use. Better defaults should be provided based on what users actually want to see.

Various small issues

  • Geomap is tested almost exclusively in Firefox 3 on Ubuntu (it looks like it is working in Opera 9 on Ubuntu too). Since there is a lot of JavaScript code here, there is great potential for differences between browsers. It would probably be a good idea to do some testing in more browsers.

  • If (when) the server, for some reason, fails in generating the data resource, the network information simply disappears from the map, with no error message given to the user. This is probably not ideal, although users may not be very interested in hearing that a “GargleException occured on line 42 of” either. For development, the Web Developer Tools in either Firefox or Chrome are very convenient – its console lists all the URLs requested by the script, so it is easy to follow the last one in order to see what the server said.

  • When loading the Geomap page, then waiting for a long time without doing anything, the next and last buttons in the time selection remain disabled, even though the next time interval should be selectable (to be able to select a newer time interval, one must first change the time selection, for example by going one step back or up). This could be fixed by using JavaScript’s setTimeout function to update the user interface regularly.

  • If some users are interested in always seeing the newest data, it could be useful to have a most recent data selection as an alternative to selecting a specific time interval. When this selection is activated, the data could be updated regularly even when the map is not moved (use setTimeout). Implementing this is a small matter of JavaScript programming.

  • When zooming far out, the network data has a tendency to disappear completely. This is probably caused by the fact that longitudes wrap around, so when the width of the map area is close to a multiple of the width of the whole world map, the difference between the longitude at the left and right edge is approximately zero. This confuses the code which filters out things that are outside the viewing area. It should not be very difficult to come up with a hack to fix this.

  • The utils.fix() function has a known error (conveniently, none of the actual calls to the function cause this error to occur) marked with a TODO comment. It should probably be fixed. (No, the function is, despite the name, able to fix itself. Not in that sense, at least).