
The NAV API gives access to NAV’s data without needing to connect to the database. You need a token and some way of sending an https request and you’re good to go.


Authentication and authorization is done by tokens. A token gives you access to zero or more endpoints and read or read and write permissions. Not all endpoints support write operations.

How to get a token

Tokens are administrated from the User and API Administration page in NAV.

How to use the token

The token needs to be included in all your requests. To test that your token is working, use curl:

curl -H 'Authorization: Token <token>' https://<host>/api/netboxes/

As you see, we use the Authorization header field to include the token. When doing your requests, make sure to add the header field to all requests.

NB: These requests should never, ever be done unencrypted. Do not use this on NAV installations that do not have SSL enabled, you are potentially giving everyone access to the data.

JSON Web Tokens

JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) must be configured before they can be used.

Once configured, you can use tokens issued by your configured issuers in almost the same way as classic tokens:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' https://<host>/api/netboxes/

Note how JWTs require the prefix Bearer and not Token.

JWTs must include valid exp, nbf, iss and aud claims in order to be valid. iss and aud must match the configuration, while exp must be in the future and nbf must be in the past.

Browsing the API

The NAV API currently only outputs JSON formatted data. Other output formats may be included in the future.

The API is semi-browsable with a browser. As it uses the token to authenticate and authorize, you need to find a way to include that in your browser requests. If you use Chrome this can be used with the extension ModHeader. As the output is JSON and not HTML, we also recommend the extension JSON Formatter or similar.

Available endpoints

The available endpoints is listed if you go to the root of the api - /api/. These endpoints are:

  • “alert”: “http://<host>/api/alert/”

  • “arp”: “http://<host>/api/arp/”

  • “cam”: “http://<host>/api/cam/”

  • “room”: “http://<host>/api/room/”

  • “netbox”: “http://<host>/api/netbox/”

  • “interface”: “http://<host>/api/interface/”

  • “prefix”: “http://<host>/api/prefix/”

  • “prefix_usage”: “http://<host>/api/prefix/usage”

  • “prefix_routed”: “http://<host>/api/prefix/routed”

These endpoints will give list output limited by page size and any optional search or filter parameters (more about that below).

The endpoint parameters are separately documented.


The API supports paging of results. The current default maximum number of results from a query is 100. If the query returns more than that, it will provide a link to the next page of results.

You can specify the number of results on a page by setting the page_size parameter in your request.

Searching and filtering

The API supports searching and filtering of data. A search is different from a filter in that a filter is more specific.


Searching is done by using the parameter search:


The fields used in the search are determined by the NAV developers. An effort to determine sane search fields has been done, but if you notice strange search results please notify us so we can correct it.


A filter is more specific than a search in that you explicitly define what field you are using and exactly the value it should have:


At the moment there is no way of specifying wildcards in the filter.


To use these request methods you need a write-enabled token. Go to User and API Administration to set token attributes.

CRUD-methods are enabled for a limited number of endpoints. These endpoints can be found by querying the endpoint with the OPTIONS header and see if POST is in the Allow header. You will also see what fields are required.


Used to create new entries. Operates on the list of entries:

curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Token <token>' -XPOST 'http://localhost/api/1/netbox/' -d '{
      "ip": "",
      "roomid": "teknobyen",
      "organizationid": "uninett",
      "categoryid": "SW",
      "snmp_version": 2}'


Used on single entries to create or update. PUT needs all required fields for each request:

curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Token <token>' -XPUT 'http://localhost/api/1/room/<id>/' -d '{"id": "<id>", "location": "trondheim"}'


Used to update single entries:

curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Token <token>' -XPATCH 'http://localhost/api/1/netbox/<id>/' -d '{"roomid": "teknobyen"}'


Used to delete single entries:

curl -i -H 'Authorization: Token <token>' -XDELETE 'http://localhost/api/1/netbox/<id>/'

A specific scenario

We want to know the interface a computer is connected to right now. We have the ip-address of the computer.

First find the correct arp object:


  "count": 1,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "id": 996604,
      "netbox": 35,
      "prefix": null,
      "sysname": "",
      "ip": "",
      "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:00",
      "start_time": "2014-04-24T15:00:43.712",
      "end_time": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.999"

The active parameter specifies that we only want results that are active now. The result from this query gives us the mac address of the computer. We need that to find the interface it is connected to:


  "count": 1,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "id": 875800,
      "netbox": 11,
      "sysname": "",
      "ifindex": 229,
      "module": "",
      "port": "A00",
      "start_time": "2014-05-13T13:09:40.296",
      "end_time": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.999",
      "miss_count": 0,
      "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:00"

This gives us access to the IP Device (netbox) id and the ifindex of the interface. We use that to find the correct interface:


  "count": 1,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "id": 329955,
      "netbox": 11,
      "module": 5996,
      "ifindex": 229,
      "ifname": "A00",
      "ifdescr": "A00",
      "iftype": 6,
      "speed": 1000,
      "ifphysaddress": "01:23:45:67:89:01",
      "ifadminstatus": 1,
      "ifoperstatus": 2,
      "iflastchange": null,
      "ifconnectorpresent": true,
      "ifpromiscuousmode": false,
      "ifalias": "Some description",
      "baseport": 55,
      "media": null,
      "vlan": 20,
      "trunk": false,
      "duplex": "f",
      "to_netbox": 85,
      "to_interface": null,
      "gone_since": null

We now have the correct interface that the computer is connected to right now.