Event- and alert type hierarchy =============================== NAV events and alerts are organized into a type hierarchy. While NAV's backend monitoring processes usually generate events, the :program:`Event Engine` is responsible for deciding what to do with those events. In most cases, events are translated into a corresponding alert by the :program:`Event Engine`. Most alerts are *stateful*, i.e. they can be viewed as an incident that has a start time and an end time. If the end time is set to an infinite value, the alert is considered unresolved (also known as *open*). Some alert types indicate the beginning of a new alert state, while some alert types indicate the closure of an existing alert state. E.g. for ``boxState`` alerts, a ``boxDown`` alert indicates that a new stateful incident has occured: A device is no longer responsive. On the other hand, a ``boxUp`` alert will cause an existing ``boxState``-type alert to be resolved. All legal event- and alert-types are registered in the NAV database (and can thus be extended, even by the user, if need be). The following are the event- and alert types that come pre-defined with NAV: *boxState* events ----------------- Tells us whether a network-unit is down or up. .. list-table:: Alerts associated with boxState events :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Alert type name - Description * - ``boxDownWarning`` - Warning sent before declaring the box down. * - ``boxShadowWarning`` - Warning sent before declaring the box in shadow. * - ``boxDown`` - Box declared down. * - ``boxUp`` - Box declared up. * - ``boxShadow`` - Box declared down, but is in shadow. * - ``boxSunny`` - Box declared up from a previous shadow state. *serviceState* events --------------------- Tells us whether a service on a server is up or down. .. list-table:: Alerts associated with serviceState events :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Alert type name - Description * - ``httpDown`` - http service not responding. * - ``httpUp`` - http service responding. *moduleState* events -------------------- Tells us whether a module in a device is working or not. .. list-table:: Alerts associated with moduleState events :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Alert type name - Description * - ``moduleDownWarning`` - Warning sent before declaring the module down. * - ``moduleDown`` - Module declared down. * - ``moduleUp`` - Module declared up. *thresholdState* events ----------------------- Tells us whether the load has passed a certain threshold. .. list-table:: Alerts associated with thresholdState events :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Alert type name - Description * - ``exceededThreshold`` - Threshold exceeded. * - ``belowThreshold`` - Value below threshold. *linkState* events ------------------ Tells us whether a link is up or down. .. list-table:: Alerts associated with linkState events :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Alert type name - Description *boxRestart* events ------------------- Tells us that a network-unit has done a restart .. list-table:: Alerts associated with boxRestart events :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Alert type name - Description * - ``coldStart`` - The IP device has coldstarted * - ``warmStart`` - The IP device has warmstarted *info* events ------------- Basic information .. list-table:: Alerts associated with info events :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Alert type name - Description * - ``dnsMismatch`` - Mismatch between sysname and dnsname. * - ``serialChanged`` - Serial number for the device has changed. * - ``macWarning`` - Mac appeared on port *notification* events --------------------- Notification event, typically between NAV systems .. list-table:: Alerts associated with notification events :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Alert type name - Description *deviceActive* events --------------------- Lifetime event for a device .. list-table:: Alerts associated with deviceActive events :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Alert type name - Description *deviceState* events -------------------- Registers the state of a device .. list-table:: Alerts associated with deviceState events :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Alert type name - Description * - ``deviceInIPOperation`` - The device is now in operation with an active IP address. * - ``deviceInStack`` - The device is now in operation as a chassis module. * - ``deviceRMA`` - RMA event for device. * - ``deviceNewModule`` - The device has been found as a module. * - ``deviceNewChassis`` - The device has been found as a chassis. * - ``deviceNewPsu`` - The device has been found as a power supply. * - ``deviceNewFan`` - The device has been found as a fan. *deviceNotice* events --------------------- Registers a notice on a device .. list-table:: Alerts associated with deviceNotice events :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Alert type name - Description * - ``deviceError`` - Error situation on device. * - ``deviceSwUpgrade`` - Software upgrade on device. * - ``deviceHwUpgrade`` - Hardware upgrade on device. * - ``deviceFwUpgrade`` - Firmware upgrade on device. *maintenanceState* events ------------------------- Tells us if something is set on maintenance .. list-table:: Alerts associated with maintenanceState events :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Alert type name - Description * - ``onMaintenance`` - Box put on maintenance. * - ``offMaintenance`` - Box taken off maintenance. *apState* events ---------------- Tells us whether an access point has disassociated or associated from the controller .. list-table:: Alerts associated with apState events :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Alert type name - Description * - ``apUp`` - AP associated with controller * - ``apDown`` - AP disassociated from controller *snmpAgentState* events ----------------------- Tells us whether the SNMP agent on a device is down or up. .. list-table:: Alerts associated with snmpAgentState events :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Alert type name - Description * - ``snmpAgentDown`` - SNMP agent is down or unreachable due to misconfiguration. * - ``snmpAgentUp`` - SNMP agent is up. *chassisState* events --------------------- The state of this chassis has changed .. list-table:: Alerts associated with chassisState events :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Alert type name - Description * - ``chassisDown`` - This chassis is no longer visible in the stack * - ``chassisUp`` - This chassis is visible in the stack again *aggregateLinkState* events --------------------------- The state of this aggregated link changed .. list-table:: Alerts associated with aggregateLinkState events :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Alert type name - Description * - ``linkDegraded`` - This aggregate link has been degraded * - ``linkRestored`` - This aggregate link has been restored *psuState* events ----------------- Reports state changes in power supply units .. list-table:: Alerts associated with psuState events :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Alert type name - Description * - ``psuNotOK`` - A PSU has entered a non-OK state * - ``psuOK`` - A PSU has returned to an OK state *fanState* events ----------------- Reports state changes in fan units .. list-table:: Alerts associated with fanState events :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Alert type name - Description * - ``fanNotOK`` - A fan unit has entered a non-OK state * - ``fanOK`` - A fan unit has returned to an OK state *bgpState* events ----------------- The state of this BGP peering session changed .. list-table:: Alerts associated with bgpState events :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Alert type name - Description * - ``bgpDown`` - This BGP peering session is down * - ``bgpEstablished`` - This BGP peering session has been established * - ``bgpAdmDown`` - This BGP peering session is administratively down