Event Templates

Event Templates are introduced to be able to display more detailed information about a specific event. This template is included in the status details and on the event details page.

Creating a template

To create a template for an event you need to know what the event type and optionally the alert type is. For detail on this, please refer to event and alert type reference documentation.

File structure

To start using custom event templates create a directory called templates in NAV’s etc-directory, and inside that directory you create the alertmsg directory. And finally inside this directory you can add event templates using the following structure:


For a boxDown template it would look like this:


Common template for all events

To create a template common for all events, create the base.html and add html there.

Common template for an event-type

To create a template common for for instance boxState-events, create the directory boxState and the file base.html inside the directory and add html there.

Single template for an alert-type

To create a template for all boxDown-events, you create the directory boxState because that is the event-type of boxDown and then you create the file boxDown.html and add html there.

Template editing

The templates are Django-templates. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/ref/templates/ . The base-templates are optional but useful if you have common information for all templates. To learn about template inheritance, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/topics/templates/#template-inheritance .

Template context

The template has all the variables from the API as well as the alert-object available. See /api/1/alert and the class AlertHistory in the file python/nav/models/event.py for more details.